Documentary | 16m | 2024 | Japan, Cyprus
Supported by:
The Japan Foundation
Institute of Contemporary Arts Kyoto (ICA)
Deputy Ministry of Culture Cyprus
A documentary exploring the symbolism and the significance of salt in the Japanese culture through the contemporary artist Motoi Yamamoto.
Directed & Produced by: Sylvia Nicolaides & Nicolas Iordanou
Director of Photography: Nicolas Iordanou
Editing: Sylvia Nicolaides & Nicolas Iordanou
Consultation: Evangelos Iordanou
Sound: Sylvia Nicolaides

Best Director Award - Cyprus International Short Film Festival (2024)

Documentary | 15m | 2022 | Cyprus
Using 16th century fragmented poetry, instruments and musical compositions, a group of young musicians take an esoteric journey through medieval Mediterranean music, to create and reimagine the sound of the time.
Directed by: Nicolas Iordanou and Sylvia Nicolaides
Director of Photography: Nicolas Iordanou
Editing: Sylvia Nicolaides
Assistant Editor: Nicolas Iordanou
Color Correction: Nicolas Iordanou
Sound: Sylvia Nicolaides
Research team: Peppe Frana, Euripides Dikaios, Niki Andronikou
Composition, orchestration: Peppe Frana
Poetry: Anonymous poet (early 16th C.) & Euripides Dikaios Project recording, mixing & mastering: Giannis Koutis Performers:
Elena Xyda - voice
Giannis Koutis - oud, voice
Peppe Frana - medieval lute
Christina Polycarpou - cretan lyra with sympathetic strings Euripides Dikaios - tampouchiá, koúza, riq
Song Subtitles: Euripides Dikaios
Location Scouting: Evangelos Iordanou & Andreas Constantinou
Artistic Production: Labyrinth Cyprus Musical Workshop, Paraplevros Productions E.D. Ltd Production Team: Stephanie Polycarpou / Project Coordinator
Euripides Dikaios / Managing Director
Michalis Ashickas / Financial Manager Archival Photographs: Stelios Stylianou, Bastian Parschau, Yannis Bromirakis & Kelly Thoma
This documentary is part of the work created through the Creative Europe programme “Awakening Sleeping Instruments in Europe” Co-funded by the European Commission and the Cultural Services of the Cypriot Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth.
“Awakening Sleeping Instruments in Europe” partners: Municipality of Ripoll, Catalunya Spain (leader) Associació Música Modal a Cardedeu Associazione Culturale Labyrinth Italia Association Trob‘ Art Productions Paraplevros Productions E.D. Ltd
Cyprus International Short Film Festival (2022)

Documentary | 18m | 2020 | Cyprus
'Amalgamation' is a portrait of a soulful female choir revisiting traditional songs in a contemporary way, bridging past and present, with a strong voice and a deep sense of community and friendship.
Directed & Edited by: Nicolas Iordanou and Sylvia Nicolaides
Produced by: Sylvia Nicolaides & Nicolas Iordanou
Director of Photography: Nicolas Iordanou
Sound: Sylvia Nicolaides
Gaffer: Euripides Dikaios
Original Music: Giorgos Kalogirou, Vasiliki Anastasiou, Traditional Mediterranean Folk Songs
Performed by: Amalgamation Choir
Arrangements by: Vasiliki Anastasiou, Ermis Michail
Artistic Director / Conductor: Vasiliki Anastasiou
PÖFF Shorts (Black Nights Film Festival), Estonia (2020)
IN THE PALACE International Film Festival, Bulgaria (2021)
Raindance Film Festival, London (2021)
Doc'n Roll Film Festival London (2021)
Best Cinematography Award
International Short Film Festival of Cyprus
Winner (3rd place)
On Art Poland

Documentary | 15m | 2019 | Cyprus
A visual portrait of the artist Horst Weierstall who experienced the division of Berlin and Nicosia. Although his work spans over four decades, the issues of division, restriction and separation in his performative art are continually contemporary and ever so current.
Directed by: Nicolas Iordanou & Sylvia Nicolaides Project Initiator: Marina Christodoulidou
1990 Interview: Paul Kouroushis & Klitsa Antoniou
Archival Photographs: Andy Sotiriou & Haris Pellapaisiotis Archival Videos: Arianna Economou
Cyprus International Short Film Festival (2019)
'Crossing Line Circle' art exhibition, Goethe-Institut Cyprus, (March 2017)
'Every Centre a Periphery Every Periphery a Centre'
art exhibition, Larnaca Municipal Art Gallery
(Dec 2017 - Jan 2018)

Documentary | 11m | 2017 | Denmark
A European Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017 (Denmark) project, 'Soma & Lil' is a music documentary on the art of improvisation. Soma and Lil, a cello improvisation duo based in Denmark, rethink and deconstruct the traditional written music for cello, and develop a more personal way of expression by creating singular compositions that are unique and always changing.
Directed by: Nicolas Iordanou & Sylvia Nicolaides
Director of Photography: Nicolas Iordanou
Edited by: Sylvia Nicolaides & Nicolas Iordanou
Sound Design: Sylvia Nicolaides
Music by: Soma & Lil
PÖFF / Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, Estonia (2017)
Sound Unseen Music Film Festival Minneapolis, U.S.A. (2017)
BLOW-UP · International Arthouse · Chicago (2018)
Albuquerque Film & Music Experience, New Mexico (2018)
On Art - Poland Warsaw, Poland (2018)
Music in Cinema Georgia, U.S.A. (2018)
Audience Award Copenhagen Jazz Film Festival
Best Music Short Film
Queen City Film Festival, Maryland, U.S.A.
Best Short Documentary
Ishinomaki Intern. Film Festival, Japan

Docuentary | 25m | 2015 | Cyprus
A European Capital of Culture Pafos 2017 project, 'The Alien Trail' is a documentary following four photographers who captured with their lens the migrant and refugee population in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Photographers from the Magnum Photo Agency Antoine d'Agata, Nicolas Iordanou, Bieke Depoorter, Nikos Economopoulos, together with Cypriot photographer Nicolas Iordanou, give their own testimony, share their experience and ethical dilemmas on how to document from their perspective, the migrant/refugee crisis.
Directed by: Nicolas Iordanou and Sylvia Nicolaides
Edited by: Sylvia Nicolaides and Nicolas Iordanou
Director of Photography: Nicolas Iordanou
Produced by: Sylvia Nicolaides
Music by: Tony Anderson, Moby
Cyprus International Short Film Festival (2018)
Riverside International Film Festival, California (2018)
Seattle Transmedia & Independent Festival, Seattle (2018)
Social Machinery Film Festival, Palermo, Italy (2018)
International Festival of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Historical Documentary and Culture, Cyprus (2018)
Awareness Award
Awareness Festival
Los Angeles

3D video installation | 7m | 2014 | Czechia
'Airground' is a 3D video art piece that intended to be exhibited as an installation in a continuous loop. A collaboration between Cirk La Putyka (Czechia) and Sylvia Nicolaides, as her final (MA) graduation project at FAMU.
It is an existential journey portrayed through a group of acrobats simulating a flight that is destined to fall, over and over again.
Director: Sylvia Nicolaides
Director of Photography: Vishal Vittal
Stereographer: Zdeněk Trávníček
Camera Assistants: Caio Dias & Hemanth Kumar
Gaffer: Caio Dias
Electrician: Cyril Charous
Performers: (Cirk La Putyka) Anna Schmidtmajerová, Šárka Bočková andTereza Toběrná
Music: David Hlaváč
Costumes: Kristina Novakova Záveská
Make Up: Helena Zvěřinová
Producers: Kristýna Milaberská & Michal Kráčmer
CURRECTS Santa Fe International New Media Festival (2014)
3D Image Festival, Lodz, Poland (2014)
3D LA Movie Festival, U.S.A. (2014)
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Conference, San Francisco, U.S.A. (2015)
Jury's Special Prize
3D Korea International Film Festival